Dr. Huang Yanyan 黄妍妍

Email: yanyan_huang@fudan.edu.cn

Research focus: process of values engagement; externalization of tacit knowledge; knowledge co-creation; cross-group collaboration; transdisciplinary collaboration; sustainability transformation

Accredited: Level 6 WeValue Master Facilitator

Role in WeValue team

Huang Yanyan is currently a Post-Doctoral Researcher of SBERG based in Fudan University. She has involved from 2016 in the development of WeValue InSitu theoretically and pragmatically. She led the Chinese version development and further wide applications in diver contexts e.g. organization change, urban planning. She was also majorly involved in understanding the micro process of knowledge conversion during WeValue InSitu and expanded it to an individual-group level. She advices other team members on WeValue InSitu process adaptation design and data analysis strategy for specific research projects to ensure the cultural fitness and research rigor. Her facilitation and analysis experience (100+, 5 countries) support the team in multiple ways to fulfil its research aspiration and social responsibility.


She obtained her Ph.D degree from School of Social Science, Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands. She holds a Master Degree in Environmental Management (2014-2017) and a B.A Degree in Environmental Engineering (2010-2014), both in Fudan University.

Her general interest lies in the role of the process – externalizing shared values of naturally occurring group - with one focus on the pragmatic extension in the context of transdisciplinary collaboration towards sustainability transformation, and the other focus on the the philosophical basis of how subjective experience and shared values can be utilized to promote sustainability transformation on the individual and group levels (with a slight touch on cognitive neuroscience and artificial intellience). She looks at both individual and collective levels and approaches from both an agency perspective (dynamic) and an asset perspective (static). By integrating the dynamic and static status of human values, she aims to support the policy-makers, civil society practitioners and scientists to seek for shared-values-based solutions in specific situations, so to cope with complex and wicked sustainable challenges. Grounding her belief in real interpersonal interaction, she dedicates to work with real people in the fields and seek truth through inquiry into meanings, symbols, and interactions.


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PhD Thesis


Related Publications

Huang, Y., Wesselink, R., Odii, B. C., Wals, A., & Harder, M. K. (2024). Enabling shared values for sustainability transformation: empirical lessons from a case of promoting cross-group collaboration in China. Sustainability Science, In print.

Huang, Y., Wu, W., Xue, Y., & Harder, M. K. (2022). Perceptions of climate change impacts on city life in Shanghai: through the lens of shared values. Cleaner Production Letters, 3, 100018.

Odii, B. C., Huang, Y., & Harder, M. K. (2024). Understanding the mechanisms of meaning-making for transformations toward sustainability: contributions from Personal Knowledge Theory. Sustainability Science, 1-17.

Wu, W., Huang, Y., Fath, B. D., Schwarzfurtner-Lutnik, K., & Harder, M. K. (2024). Using desirable urban states to understand key linkages between resilience subsystems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 436, 140678.

Odii, B. C., Huang, Y., Des Bouvrie, N., & Harder, M. K. (2021). Cycles of meaning-making crystallization in the WeValue InSitu process as clear contributions towards transformative learning. Journal of Cleaner Production, 304, 127024.

Odii, B. C., Harder, M. K., Huang, Y., Chapman, A., Sougou, N. M., Kolopaking, R., Gavaravarapu, S., Diallo, A. H., Anggorowati, R., & Rao, S. F. (2024). Sociocultural environmental factors and childhood stunting: qualitative studies–a protocol for the Shared Values theme of the UKRI GCRF Action Against Stunting Hub. BMJ Paediatrics Open, 8(Suppl 1).

Chapman, A. J., Ebido, C. C., Tening, R. N., Huang, Y., Sougou, N. M., Kolopaking, R., ... & Harder, M. K. (2024). Creating culturally-informed protocols for a stunting intervention using a situated values-based approach (WeValue InSitu): a double case study in Indonesia and Senegal.

Other Publications

Huang, Y., Tamas, P., & Harder, M. (2018). Information with a smile–Does it increase recycling? Journal of Cleaner Production, 178, 947-953.

Li, C., Huang, Y., & Harder, M. K. (2017). Incentives for food waste diversion: Exploration of a long term successful Chinese city residential scheme. Journal of Cleaner Production, 156, 491-499.

Li, C., Wang, Y., Li, Y., Huang, Y., & Harder, M. (2021). The incentives may not be the incentive: A field experiment in recycling of residential food waste. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 168, 105316.